Education Beyond Barriers

In retrospect, it’s clear that no matter where a person calls home, life after February 2019 was quite different and challenging. The local population and government were suddenly confronted with a number of novel challenges. As a student, I had my fair share of difficulties. When the power went out during the middle of the semester, we all feared it was the end of the world. After some reflection, though, we took the first steps that would allow us to continue on our adventure.

Our school’s transition to an online format in the face of the pandemic emergency gave me a great deal of personal freedom. I figured that I could do some good with all this spare time of mine. Because of this, I began providing instruction from the comfort of my own home, following all COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures. As a result, this was a positive development for high school and university students, who previously had no access to any opportunities at all (like online study). Also, I’m grateful that ALLAH ALMIGHTY gave me the chance to serve humanity since I think it was a real benefit to myself and my community.

In addition, I worked on a voluntary basis to gather data on students (whether they are completely vaccinated, not vaccinated, or partly vaccinated) when our institution opened on a regular basis in the month of November 2021. The vaccination of previously unvaccinated kids also greatly aided our community by lowering the likelihood that the virus would spread. If you would like to learn more about my actions and how I initiated them please contact me via mail:


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