Empowering Rural Communities and Youth

As a passionate advocate for community empowerment, I took action to raise awareness and combat the spread of COVID-19 in rural communities, particularly among youth. The project aimed to address the lack of information and knowledge about COVID-19 that community members were facing, recognizing that information is power in the fight against the pandemic. With the support of Peace First, I was able to carry out this important project.

The project involved various initiatives to raise awareness and educate the community about COVID-19. This included airings on the radio and sharing fliers and posters of preventive measures such as hand hygiene, mask-wearing, and social distancing in a different language other than English.

The project also addressed barriers to accessing information, such as language by using simple and culturally appropriate communication materials. I worked closely with stakeholders to ensure that the information was tailored to the needs of the community and effectively communicated in a way that was easily understood and accessible to all.

Through the collective efforts of the project, we were able to make a tangible impact in raising awareness and combating COVID-19 in rural communities. The community members became better informed about the virus, its transmission, and preventive measures.

I am grateful for the support provided by Peace First, which enabled me to carry out this project and make a meaningful contribution to the fight against COVID-19. The experience reinforced my belief in the power of information and community empowerment in addressing health challenges.

For more information on this project click on this link: https://www.peacefirst.org/story/hero-diaries-simon-1


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