Campaigning Against Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is a serious issue that has become increasingly prevalent today. Many people take hard drugs for various reasons, such as feeling high, fitting in with their peers, building self-confidence, or simply for fun. However, the consequences of drug abuse are severe and can lead to mental instability, bankruptcy, incarceration, or even death.

At our organization, we recognize the urgent need to address this growing problem, particularly among young people. We are committed to reaching out to urban and rural areas, markets, and schools to sensitize our target audience about the harmful effects of drug abuse and the importance of abstaining from it.

We promote and provide healthy alternative lifestyles through various activities such as agriculture, vocational training, ICT education, and sports. Our goal is to empower individuals to make positive choices and lead fulfilling lives without resorting to drug use.

Moreover, we understand that drug addiction is a complex issue that requires professional intervention. Therefore, we are working towards building a modern rehabilitation centre where drug-dependent persons can receive counselling, rehabilitation, and reintegration support to regain control of their lives.

Join us in our mission to combat drug abuse and create a healthier, safer community for all. Contact us today via email at:

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