Lets make a better world
Stars in Our Community
Do you want to make the world a better place?
Do you want to be part of a community that is focused on making the world a better place?

Join us
UPG is a community with a shared purpose. Everyone’s independence is protected and just as we encourage people to get things done their own way, we also encourage people to work together. And sometimes we have official UPG initiatives that we can all contribute to, if we choose to.

If you would rather contribute, than simply watch, then you belong.
If you are ready to act, rather than wait, then you belong.

We can all be “Members” of United People Global (UPG)
Individuals and organisations who believe in our mission to encourage and enable people to participate in making the world a better place. We act independently and collectively and our activities are based on UPG’s Four Pillars. These are also known as UPG’s “ABCs”

A Shared Purpose
Sometimes one of us posts an initiative or an opportunity that others can sign up to.
DO More
Become A Champion
Members who make a commitment to do more to support UPG are our people, “CHAMPIONS”!
The service and contribution of Champions makes everything possible.
Becoming a Champion is an additional commitment that can be as light or as intensive as you want. A Champion agrees to serve others and so the benefits of becoming a Champion are largely about serving.
What Champions get
Opportunities to participate directly in the operations of the UPG community, this includes the opportunity to serve on local, regional, global committees, taskforces, councils and more.
Opportunity to lead UPG initiatives or programs. These initiatives can be local or global, national or regional.
Champions are acknowledged. and they “shine” in our world because they make everything possible
Access to initiatives that are designed for people with higher commitment to UPG’s mission
Access to funding that supports activities related to UPG’s missions
Opportunities to participate in activities that are reserved for Champions, such as the “Communities of Champions”
For Organisations who decide to become Champions, benefits include additional opportunities for your organisation’s own initiatives.
For Organisations who decide to become Champions, benefits include extending the above benefits to up to 3 individuals in your organisation.

The Next Step
Once an application to become a Champion is accepted,
Champions make an annual financial contribution. For individuals this is CHF 50 (about USD 50). For organisations, this ranges from CHF 250 (about CHF 250) upwards. To ensure that money is never an obstacle, individuals and organisations who are Champions but who cannot afford the contribution can apply for support.
Individuals and Organisations who want to do more can also become “Champion Supporters”. A Champion Supporter makes an elightened commitment to UPG’s work to serve people. Champion Supporters first apply to become Champions and then they make an annual financial contribution of CHF 10,000 (about USD 10,000).
Champion Supporters are acknowledged in UPG’s annual report and on our website for the year(s) in which they are Champion Supporters.
There are Other Stars in our World.

Builders are the first people who make significant commitment to the UPG Community at the start of its existence. All those who are accepted as Champions within the first year of UPG’s operations are part of the UPG Builders community where their commitment is registered, immortalised and their legacy is assured. No separate application is needed.
To check if someone is a Builder, please visit: www.unitedpeople.global/ourbuilders
Champions who want to work together on UPG’s mission in their local community can join or set up a community of champions. This allows people who share a similar level of commitment to work closely together for the benefit of their local community. Communities of Champions practice UPG’s Four Pillars (above) through initiatives that they choose. Sometimes they create an initiative themselves, sometimes they take a good idea that is already working somewhere and they adapt it to address a local challenge. And there is much more. If you would like to learn more about Communities of Champions, contact us: www.unitedpeople.global/contact
Make the world a better place
ready to Contribute? Let's get there, together.
We hope that you have found a place in the UPG community that excites you.
Now let us make the world a better place, together.